There are a lot of things to catch up on. We saw the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009. I passed the New Year visiting my grandparents in Vancouver. On the plane ride out, I got sicker than I’ve ever been. I broke out into a cold sweat, got dizzy, turned white as a ghost, vomited multiple times, and felt like I had eaten a bowl of knives for breakfast. I suspect that this was caused by taking a percocet that didn’t belong to me just because the term “muscle relaxant” sounded nice for air travel (I get terrible travel anxiety). Let me be a lesson to you. Taking prescription drugs that don’t belong to you is never a good idea.
I stopped vomiting by the time we arrived in British Colombia, but the stress didn’t end there. Did you know that being around family is stressful? Did you know that being in Whistler whilst (alliteration! What-what!) having no interest in winter sports can be boring? I even tried tubing—turns out that sliding down a hill in cold snow is not that much fun. Did you know that it’s embarrassing to have a small emotional breakdown in a ski rental shop, no matter how nice your dad is being about it? Well, I know all of these things. Luckily, I also know that Vancouver has great shopping and restaurants, it’s great to celebrate my grandfather’s 77th birthday with him, and looking through old family photo albums is a fantastic way to spend an evening. In addition to that, I’ve discovered that I’m totally effing crazy for missing cold-ass Wisconsin so much and even more crazy for being so happy to be back and ready to start school.
Since I slacked in writing a “Happy New Year” post (Happy New Year, by the way), I wanted to use now to write out some of my resolutions. I don’t hate resolutions like some of my nearest and dearest. I think that we should strive for progression and that we need to allow change to enter our lives so that we can evolve. That being said, here are mine:
-Try not to talk bad about myself so much. I have a habit of self-deprecating when I get nervous and I’m really trying to stop.
-Stop bickering with my roommate so much. One of my roommates and I argue constantly about everything (except the house). Some company pointed this out to me and I realized how unattractive it is. Sure, a good debate here and there is fine, fun even, but to do it constantly just obnoxious.
-Be less passive in expressing what I want. It’s time to get aggressive in going after what I want in life. It’s not going to come to me.
-Be less crude… sometimes. I have a tendency to endearingly call people names like “cocksucker” or “twat face.” These names have a time and a place, but I can see how friends might become exhausted when I never call them by their actually names, insisting on using expletives instead. Sorry, guys.
-Lastly, be Tina Fey. I think that if I were to idolize anyone, it would be her. I love that she created her own career and has kept her (I hate this word) quirk. I think that she gives hope to those of us who are funny, clever, and have maybe blogged one too many times about certain science fiction T.V. shows. Congratulations on Globes, Miss Fey!

PQK out.
1 comment:
I keep trying to get into 30 Rock. I suppose I should just start at the beginning, but I keep catching random bits and not getting it. And yesterday...I had to turn it off after Alec Baldwin had that line about Puerto Rican being an offensive thing to say...they've had that joke on the Office before!
Anyway. Should I keep trying?
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