Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank God...

...I won't have to look at this stupid mother fucking piece of shit's face anymore.

A few notes on the inaguaration:

-I'm pretty sure that Cheney didn't actually hurt his back. They needed to use the wheelchair because the monster that lived in his body has vacated, leaving behind an humanish-looking shell that is completely inanimate when cut off from it's mother.

-Does any one think that the whole Rick Warren thing was worth it just to hear him try to make Sasha and Malia unneccessarily "ethnic" sounding?

-Did you hear people booing?

-Did ABC really have to keep noting that no one seemed to be wearing hats?
A. Who gives a shit?
B. Didn't Aretha Franklin's hat make up for the lack of others? Seriously, the thing should have gotten separate billing.

Good luck, Mr. President. I'm ready to paint the White House black.

"Your people will judge you by what you build, not what you destroy."

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